A Grand Don’t Come for Free
We all love web standards. At least I know I do. The nice thing with web standards is that standards compliant sites behave nicely in standards compliant browsers. What then, if someone stumbles across a standards compliant site with a less standards compliant browser?
I got an e-mail today from someone who’d visited my site with Internet Explorer 5.1.7 running on a Mac. It was hardly a good match with my site. Have a look at the screen shot he sent me. That’s not very nice nor user friendly. But am I going to do anything about it? No, I’m not. Backwards compatibility might be an issue for large company sites, web shops and so on. Sure, I probably lose the odd visitor because of this, but compared to the time I have to use to get my site compatible with every browser around would not be worth it. Instead I recommend using a standards compliant browser whenever possible.
It’s been a while since I bought a new CD, so this afternoon I did something really crazy; I bought two albums! The Streets’ “A Grand Don’t Come for Free” and a Hed Kandi compilation, “The World Series U.K. Mix 1”. So far both albums sound nice. Some remixes from “A Grand Don’t Come for Free” are bound to be released at some point in the near future - some are probably released already - and if they are of the same quality as some of the remixes from The Streets’ last album, “Original Pirate Material”, they’ll be pretty good.
For making digital backups of your CDs, I recommend CDex.
No playing with the Digital Rebel this weekend, I’ve been too busy at work.
Do you have any thoughts you want to share? A question, maybe? Or is something in this post just plainly wrong? Then please send an e-mail to vegard at vegard dot net
with your input. You can also use any of the other points of contact listed on the About page.
CDex is nice but it’s not updated anymore.. i.e. the ogg dlls it use are OOOOOLLLLDDDD .. If anybody was wondering, yes, I’m a sucker for new stuff..
I’m more of an MP3-guy myself. It’s mostly because the gadgets I have don’t support other stuff, like OGG or AAC.