A few words about silence
Uh, yeah, well… A little slow on the updates the last couple of days. Am I taking yet another long break from this thing they call the Internet? That’s not the plan, no, I’ve just been unusually busy.
There is a tradition in Norway - and possibly other countries, too, I don’t know - that fellow workers go out for dinner a few weeks before Christmas. An annual Christmas dinner, if you like. On Thursday it was time for the people running the NRK web site and my apartment to go out on a joint dinner. The dinner and the food were nice, but the party afterwards wasn’t the most exiting I’ve been to. Besides I had to go to work on Friday.
On Friday I visited Marita and Cathrine. Marita is reading for her exams, while Cathrine had her last one on Friday. The plan was to go out for some beers to celebrate, but we ended up spending the evening at their place instead, without beer, but still a lot of fun. Great girls and I really enjoy their - unfortunately very occasional - company.
And now I’m going to tell you a little bit about a word called “silence”. Silence is when you’re not woken by a recorder at seven thirty on a Saturday morning. Silence is when you don’t have to listen to a mother yelling at her 12 year old kid about trivial matters. Silence is when the lone mother and her two kids travel to a country far, far away and stays there for over a month. And then you’re able to watch the six O’clock Simpsons show and don’t have to let the kids watch children’s television instead.
Good stuff.
I also wish to bring you this picture from Cali es Cali, partly because it’s been a while since I posted a picture from that site, and partly because this girl was extremely beautiful. Have a blast:

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