February, 2018: "Breaking Gravity" by Mitty Walters

Book cover, Breaking Gravity by Mitty Walters.Author: Mitty Walters
Genre: Fiction
Published: 2014
Locations: 3224
Reading started: February 8th, 2018
Current progress: Location 3224 of 3224 (100%)
Reading ended: February 19th, 2018. This book was successfully finished in 11 days.
Final review score: 4 of 5


Author’s description: Dale Adams has worked hard to leave his troubled past behind for a brighter future at Emory University. But when he makes a discovery that will change humanity forever, avoiding the spotlight becomes the least of his concerns.

Small experiments have attracted big attention. And not all who notice want Dale to be successful. Or even alive.

As Dale’s world collapses around him, his fate intertwines with that of a girl he hardly knows. Their only hope for survival is to disappear into Atlanta’s seedy underbelly, the very place Dale has tried so hard to leave behind.

If they can stay alive for a few days, science will be rewritten by the most unlikely of authors.

View all the books in the A Book A Month project.


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