August, 2023: "DOOM Guy: Life in First Person" by John Romero

Book cover, DOOM Guy: Life in First Person by John Romero.Author: John Romero
Genre: Autobiography
Published: 2023
Pages: 368
Reading started: August 8th, 2023
Current progress: Page 368 of 368 (100%)
Reading ended: September 23rd, 2023. This book was successfully finished in 46 days.
Effective reading time: 11 hours, 50 minutes (1 minute, 55 seconds per page)
Number of sessions: 39
Average session reading time: 18 minutes, 13 seconds
Average session review score: 4.1 of 5
Final review score: 3.5 of 5

Description DOOM Guy: Life in First Person is the long-awaited autobiography of John Romero, gaming’s original rock star and the cocreator of DOOM, Quake, and Wolfenstein - some of the most recognizable and important titles in video game history.

Credited with the invention of the first-person shooter, a genre that continues to dominate the market today, he is gaming royalty. Told in remarkable detail, a byproduct of his hyperthymesia, Romero recounts his storied career - from his early days submitting Apple II code to computer magazines and sneaking computers out of the back door of his day job to do programming projects at night in his garage to a high-profile falling out with his id Software cofounder John Carmack, as well as his continued role in the gaming industry today as the managing director of Romero Games Ltd. His story is truly one of a self-made man, founding multiple companies after a childhood filled with violence and abuse drove him to video game design, where he could create new worlds and places to escape to. An alcoholic father, a racist grandfather who did not approve of Romero’s parents’ mixed-race coupling, and a grandmother who once ran a brothel in Mexico combine for an illuminating story his youth - a story that has never before been revealed.

After years in the gaming spotlight, Romero is now telling his story - THE WHOLE STORY - in his own words.

View all the books in the A Book A Month project.


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