May, 2024: "Casino Royale" by Ian Fleming

Book cover, Casino Royale by Ian Fleming.Author: Ian Fleming
Genre: Spy fiction
Published: 1953
Pages: 154
Reading started: April 29th, 2024
Current progress: Page 154 of 154 (100%)
Reading ended: May 8th, 2024. This book was successfully finished in 9 days.
Effective reading time: 4 hours, 11 minutes (1 minute, 38 seconds per page)
Number of sessions: 14
Average session reading time: 17 minutes, 58 seconds
Average session review score: 4.2 of 5
Final review score: 4.5 of 5


Goodreads: Meet James Bond, the world’s most famous spy.

In the novel that introduced James Bond to the world, Ian Fleming’s agent 007 is dispatched to a French casino in Royale-les-Eaux. His mission? Bankrupt a ruthless Russian agent who’s been on a bad luck streak at the baccarat table. "Le Chiffre," has been a prime target of the British Secret Service for years. If Bond can wipe out his bankroll, Le Chiffre will likely be "retired" by his paymasters in Moscow. But what if the cards won’t cooperate?

Taut, tense, and effortlessly stylish, Ian Fleming’s inaugural James Bond adventure has all the hallmarks that made the series a touchstone for a generation of readers.

View all the books in the A Book A Month project.


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