February, 2019: "Horus Rising" by Dan Abnett

Book cover, Horus Rising by Dan Abnett.Author: Dan Abnett
Genre: Science fantasy
Published: 2006
Pages: 413
Reading started: January 8th, 2019
Current progress: Page 413 of 413 (100%)
Reading ended: January 24th, 2019. This book was successfully finished in 16 days.
Final review score: 5 of 5


Black Library: After thousands of years of expansion and conquest, the human Imperium is at its height. His dream for humanity accomplished, the Emperor hands over the reins of power to his Warmaster, Horus, and heads back to Terra.

It is the 31st millennium. Under the benevolent leadership of the Immortal Emperor, the Imperium of Man has stretched out across the galaxy. It is a golden age of discovery and conquest. But now, on the eve of victory, the Emperor leaves the front lines, entrusting the great crusade to his favourite son, Horus. Promoted to Warmaster, can the idealistic Horus carry out the Emperor’s grand plan, or will this promotion sow the seeds of heresy amongst his brothers? Horus Rising is the first chapter in the epic tale of the Horus Heresy, a galactic civil war that threatened to bring about the extinction of humanity.

It all begins here. Witness Horus the hero, humanity’s greatest champion and the Emperor’s favoured son, before it all goes horribly, tragically wrong…

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