May, 2019: "Airport" by Arthur Hailey

Book cover, Airport by Arthur Hailey.Author: Arthur Hailey
Genre: Fiction
Published: 1968
Pages: 534
Reading started: May 2nd, 2019
Current progress: Location 3399 of 8520 (39.9%)
Reading ended: May 19th, 2019. This book was abandoned after 17 days. Why?
Effective reading time: 5 hours, 1 minute (1 minute, 14 seconds per 14 location)
Average session reading time: 18 minutes, 50 seconds
Final review score: N/A

Description As a raging blizzard wreaks havoc at Lincoln International Airport outside Chicago, airport and airline personnel try to cope with this unstoppable force of nature that is endangering thousands of lives. And in the air, a lone plane struggles to reach its destination. Over the course of seven pulse-pounding hours, a tense human drama plays out as a brilliant airport manager, an arrogant pilot, a tough maintenance man, and a beautiful stewardess strive to avert disaster.

Featuring a diverse cast of vibrant characters, Airport is both a realistic depiction of the airline industry and a novel of nail-biting suspense.

Why was this book abandoned?

Airport is building up to something, but it’s taking too long. It’s not a bad book, it’s just not one I’m prepared to spend this much time with. There’s an impressive variety of characters in Airport, their stories intertwined in interesting ways- but there are so many of them.

I think I’ll see the movie instead.

Interestingly enough, I’ve decided to (finally) start reading George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series, which is far longer, more complicated and an much wider set of characters than Airport.

Chances are I’ll abandon that as well. We’ll see.

View all the books in the A Book A Month project.


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