April, 2020: "The Hound of the Baskervilles" by Arthur Conan Doyle

Book cover, The Hound of the Baskervilles by Arthur Conan Doyle.Author: Arthur Conan Doyle
Genre: Crime
Published: 1902
Reading started: April 5th, 2020
Current progress: N/A
Reading ended: April 19th, 2020. This book was successfully finished in 14 days.
Final review score: 4 of 5


Amazon.com: Sir Charles Baskerville is dead. His body was discovered on the grounds of his Devonshire estate, face frozen in fright, not far from the footprints of a large beast. The cause of death has been determined to be a heart attack, but family legend tells another tale, and Detective Sherlock Holmes is determined to uncover the truth.

So whodunit on the foggy moors of Baskerville Hall? In one of literature’s greatest original page-turners, the answer is a classic.

I listened to this novel as an audio book read by Phoebe Judge on the podcast "Phoebe Reads a Mystery".

View all the books in the A Book A Month project.


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