February, 2018: "Phoenix Point: The Briefing" by Allen Stroud, Jonas Kyratzes

Book cover, Phoenix Point: The Briefing by Allen Stroud, Jonas Kyratzes.Authors: Allen Stroud, Jonas Kyratzes
Genre: Science fiction, dystopian fiction
Published: 2017
Locations: 825
Reading started: January 31st, 2018
Current progress: Location 825 of 825 (100%)
Reading ended: February 2nd, 2018. This book was successfully finished in 2 days.
Final review score: 4 of 5


Wikipedia: Phoenix Point is a global, turn-based strategy video game with turn-based tactical combat that is being developed by Snapshot Games for release in the fourth quarter of 2018. Snapshot Games’s founder and lead designer, Julian Gollop, created the X-COM franchise, a series of games that focus on a player-controlled organization fighting to save Earth from invasions of extraterrestrial aliens. Phoenix Point is intended to be a spiritual successor to X-COM. The game is the sophomore project of Snapshot Games following their release in 2015 of Chaos Reborn.

Phoenix Point writers, Allen Stroud and Jonas Kyratzes, wrote short stories which help establish the setting and narrative themes for the game. Other writers who contributed stories include Thomas Turnbull-Ross and Chris Fellows. With these stories, the writers seek to develop the dystopian world in which Phoenix Point occurs with tales of individuals from around the world who experience different aspects of the alien invasion at various points in the years leading up to the start of the game in 2057. Snapshot Games made many of these stories available for free on the game’s official website. Snapshot Games plans to produce a compendium of Phoenix Point stories for publication in ebook and print formats.

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