9 Down, 91 To Go
It’s about time to remove yet another time from The ListTM:
#89. Own an apartment or a house.
I’ve now got the keys to the apartment. Quite the anti-climax, to be honest. You can see how well I’m doing with the moving in thing right here:

Show’s over! The cam is offline.
Don’t expect too much action until tomorrow evening, though. If you see the place catch on fire, please call the fire department.
Do you have any thoughts you want to share? A question, maybe? Or is something in this post just plainly wrong? Then please send an e-mail to vegard at vegard dot net
with your input. You can also use any of the other points of contact listed on the About page.
Congrats! moving is funfunfun.. not
Grats! If you need help moving, dont hesitate to not call me ;)
Congratulations, Vegard! Nice looking place :) The little I can see of it, anyway..
Hey, is that bearded man with the crowbar a friend of yours? He looks kinda familiar..
Btw.. why is the classic ‘submit’-button named ‘humor me!’? I suggest ‘Read My Worthless Comment’, ‘Click Here To Get Free Offers’ and ‘Click Here And A Fairie Will Die’ or something in that order :)
Cool man! Moving is teh shit.
So, how’s the new apartment?
Getting settled or you still live in boxes?
I’m somewhere in between boxes and getting settled now.
I’ve been going to a few housewarming parties recently. I could enjoy that. So, when’s yours?
In eight to ten weeks, when my sofa is delivered from the furniture store…
Do you really think it’s wise to put a brand new creamy white sofa in the same room as a group of inebriated friends of low moral fiber? I would just use orange crates for furniture and rockwool as carpeting, untill the danger is over :)
There will be a strict red wine ban, which should hopefully save the sofa from the worst stains.