4 Day Summary

Jeez, two updates in one evening? I’m stuck in front of the computer anyway, trying to find a good way to calculate statistical information, but - as you know if you read the previous entry - math is not my strongest quality. Therefore, I find it much more interesting to write entries instead.

As you’ve probably noticed, I’ve been away for a couple of days. Four, to be exact, and I’ve spent them in Trondheim. I went up there mainly to see one of my favourite bands from the nineties, Seigmen. Formed in 1989, the had their last concert in March 1999. On October 20 2005, over six years after they split up, Seigmen reunited to do one - 1 - concert during UKA 2005 in Trondheim. And I was there, with Hallvard, Terje and The Girlfriend. Tor Olav had also been offered a ticket, but he sat in a hotel room in London during the concert. Better luck next time, dude. Oh, I forgot there will be no next time…

The concert was excellent, but, unfortunately, the sound was absolutely crap at times. Hopefully it will get better on the DVD that you can now pre-order from the Seigmen site. Hallvard took a few pictures with his Sony Ericsson K750i and they are quite excellent, considering the fact that it is a mobile phone and the picture were taken while we were all jumping up and down. With a little Bluetooth magic, the pictures were transferred to my phone, and with another touch of modern technology I’ve uploaded a couple below.

My stay in Trondheim was great, I slept on the floor in Klas’ room at Moholt (thanks, old pal!), met Erik and Kirsti for the first time in years, didn’t go around with a constant fear of accidentally bumping into Stine like I’d thought I would (a fear that is a tad irrational since she is not living in Trondheim anymore, but I’m a bit irrational at times, so you never know what my brain will do to me) and met The Girlfriend’s father who seemed like a sane guy.

All in all, four nice days. Oh, no worries, I did find time to work a bit, too.

Seigmen UKA 2005
Seigmen UKA 2005


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