31 Down, 69 to go

During our US road trip we shot quite a lot with the GoPro camera, and over the last two weeks I’ve slowly worked my way through 35 gigabytes of video files. The end result is a road movie, which means I can check off yet another item from The List:

#59. Make a road movie.

The music is by Cinnamon Chasers and the song is called “Luv Deluxe”. It’s copyrighted material, so I wouldn’t be surprised if the video is pulled from YouTube even with the credits in the video description and at the end of the video. Currently the video is not available in HD, but I’m guessing Google’s servers are encoding it in higher qualities as we speak. Most of the shots are played back at 2x speed or faster, expect for the video from the Monterey Bay Aquarium. As with photography, where everything looks good in black and white, everything video seems to look good at 2x speed.

The GoPro camera performed absolutely great and was perfect for this kind of filming. The quality is amazing for a camera that size. With the suction mount, I easily attached it to the car window and inside the helicopter and with roll bar mount made it was a breeze to connect to the Segway. Unfortunately, I’d left the head band at home, which would have been perfect to use at the shooting range, and I regret not filming the guys more than I did, especially at the later stages of our journey. But as I use the camera more, I’ll probably learn more about what’s good to shoot and what’s not.

Don’t watch this while hung over (it’s rather shaky at times) and try not to notice where I’ve “mixed” two playbacks of the song together to get continuous sound. I managed to miss a bit and it sounds kind of amateurish. But hey, I’m an amateur, so that’s to be expected, really.



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