My year in 25 bullet points.

It’s the last day of the year, and thus time for the annual bullet point recap.

In summary, MMXIX was the year that…

  • I published 99 posts, 19 more than last year. To be honest, I’m a bit disappointed I didn’t make it to One Hundred. But it’s still the most posts I’ve published in a year since 2012. Everything I’ve ever posted is available in the archive.
  • I managed to take A Picture A Day for the 7th year in a row. I’ve summarized the year of photos in a separate post.
  • The photos I posted got more personal, something I could do because I decided to limit access to the most personal A Picture A Day photos.
  • My plan to read A Book A Month failed. I only finished 11 books in 2019, but some of those books were more than 3 times the size of the ones I usually read. So in terms of number of pages read, 2019 was a raging success. I’ve summarized the year in books in a separate post.
  • I had my gallbladder removed, and had an interesting recovery.
  • The site got a visual overhaul, and I used the default WordPress theme for the first time. It looked awesome at first, but now I’m not that sure anymore.
  • I purchased a pair of Sony WH1000XM3 wireless Bluetooth noise cancelling headphones. They were freakishly expensive, but, man, I’m working in an open plan office, and now I have no idea how I managed to get anything done before I got them.
  • According to Endomondo, I spent too much time on my ass. I only ran 151 kilometer (~94 miles) on the treadmill, which is well under half the distance I covered in 2018. The main reason for this massive decline is that I sold the treadmill in August, and replaced it with a rowing machine. Unfortunately, I only managed around 66 kilometers (~41 miles) of rowing before that thing with the gallbladder surfaced.
  • I got to test drive a Test Model 3. It’s a very nice car, but it’s too small for us. Our next car will be an electric vehicle, though.
  • We had solar panels installed on the roof of our house. The production level was great during the summer, but it’s been absolutely terrible for the last couple of months. No big surprise, really, since there’s been virtually no direct sunlight on the panels because of clouds and snow.
  • I bought my first piece of art, which I haven’t manage to frame yet.
  • After a lot of discussion with local authorities and the private road association, we finally managed to get speed bumps installed on the road outside our house. The road is actually defined as a bicycle path, but drivers don’t give a crap about that. The speed bumps helped a lot, though. Hurray!
  • Our new lawn finally started to grow after last year’s drought.
  • New one-liners were added to the collection on the first of every month. It now holds well over two thousand curated, high-quality one-liners.
  • Was supposed to be The Year of The Concerts. I did go to two concerts, which is many times more than the previous years (0). But both concerts were with the same band, The Midnight, so I’m not sure if I’m ready to proclaim The Year of The Concerts wildly successful. Both The Wife and I (first concert) and Hans Olav and I (second concert) enjoyed ourselves, though.
  • The family spent the summer at the lovely Daftö resort.
  • I became pro-nuclear, tried to figure out exactly how carbon offsetting works, and wrote a long post about how Norway should use its dirty oil money.
  • After deleting my Facebook account (for the second time) in 2018, I deleted my Instagram account this year. You should, too, because Facebook is a threat to everyone in so many ways that you can’t even imagine.
  • I also deleted my Blizzard account because of the way they “handled” pro-Hong Kong activism. You should delete your Blizzard account, too.
  • I wrote two more posts in my narrative Let’s Play Cities: Skylines series about Springwood. Personally, I find the posts rather entertaining, but I fear most of you don’t share that sentiment. You can make up your own mind by reading The Rise of Springwood and The Fall of Springwood.
  • I also wrote a narrative Let’s Play RimWorld post, The Second Tale of a Doomed Colony. It’s totally ha-ha-funny. Seriously.
  • The decentralized web, FLOSS, and freedom of speech were topics I spent a lot of time pondering. Welcome to the Fediverse, Technology Won’t Save Us, and Free Speech & FLOSS vs the Alt-Right are just a few of the posts I wrote about the subjects.
  • I put quite a bit of time and effort into figuring out what my ultimate gaming rig is. In the end, I didn’t buy one, though.
  • Password managers were finally something I dived into. You should, too.
  • Many people, including me, started to get aware of how unethical our mobile phones are. So I decided my next one will be a Fairphone 3.

Looking back, 2019 was a surprisingly political year for me. I voted the Green Party in the Municipal and County Council Elections, we had the solar panels installed on the roof, I raved about freedom of speech, embraced the decentralized web, and even deleted some online accounts because of politics. If I was a little less shy of confrontations, I might have written even more about these topics. But there’s always a risk that people actually end up reading my incoherent ramblings, and start to talk back to me. Like that pilot did once.

All in all, 2019 wasn’t too bad. Here’s to an even better 2020.

Here are summaries from previous years: 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005 and 2004.


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