With only a few hours left in the year, it’s about time to do the annual summary. 2016 was the year that…
- I wrote 90 posts, 12 more than the year before. Many of the them are cheap video entries, but they still count, damn it!
- As part of the A Book A Month project, I read 13 books, and wrote reviews of some of them. The plan is to continue the effort in 2017.
- I got my first proper virtual reality experience. At first it was exciting, then not so much.
- The A Picture A Day project continued rolling smoothly. Est. 2013, ends when I’m six feet under.
- The one-liners collection got quite a few new additions.
- I started following the 2016 F1 season, but abandoned it after a few races because, well, it wasn’t any more exciting than the 2015 season.
- Donald Trump surfaced, and American politics suddenly started to matter a hell of a lot more. I wrote a few pieces about that. That he was actually elected amazes me on so many levels. And I’m going to call this one right now: If Donald Trump survives his first term, he will get re-elected for a second term. The main reason will be that he is master at taking the credit for positive things that he had absolutely nothing to do with. The average American will be told that’s the case, and every fact that proves it will be made available. But for some reason they just don’t care. The truth is no longer important.
- The situation in Syria turned from bad to worse, and into one of the worst clusterfucks of the 21st century.
- All in all, I got a bit more engaged in what’s going on around the globe. I’m not sure exactly why that happened.
- Vilde spent the year learning to talk, and develop her social skills. Being able to take part in her transformation from being a baby to a tiny person with a very interesting personality is amazing.
- (That might be the reason why I’m starting to care more about what’s going on in the world.)
- I quit my job, and started to blog professionally. Or not.
- My crusade to make a internet a bit more secure and private continued.
- Anniken and I got a treadmill. I ran 490 km (~304 miles) n it this year, and had a good streak up until November, when I came down with a lousy cold. It took a month to get rid of it, and in December I just turned lazy. Like the rest of you, I’m coming back strong on January 1, 2017!
- Once again I tried my luck at sports betting, this time during the UEFA Euro 2016 in France. When the tournament was over, I had doubled my money. That was not due to great success with the betting, but thanks to Anniken saying “red” instead of “black”.
- I managed to annoy a commercial airline pilot by arguing that making an autonomous airplane is simpler than making an autonomous car.
- The site got yet another new design. This time, it’s an open source theme, Independent Publisher.
- People still don’t care when they hear a smoke detector go off, and that annoys me.
- I got the opportunity to try a Jolla phone for a couple of days. Not enough of the good stuff, I’m afraid.
- Vilde watched a lot of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on weekend mornings. I took a dive down the rabbit hole to expose the gangs questionable ethics.
- Facebook managed to suck me back in. I returned to the social network after a 5 year hiatus.
- Anniken and I got married. an event that was covered in the previous entry.
- We also decided to try start expanding the family with another member. Great success! Anniken is pregnant with a girl who has already decided that she wants to become a gymnast when she grows up.
All in all, 2016 wasn’t too bad. But it lays the groundwork for a rather unpredictable 2017. Happy new new!
Here are summaries from previous years: 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005 and 2004.
Do you have any thoughts you want to share? A question, maybe? Or is something in this post just plainly wrong? Then please send an e-mail to vegard at vegard dot net
with your input. You can also use any of the other points of contact listed on the About page.
Congratulations! How very fortunate that your Totem Spirit was able to overcome Anniken’s and thus add another member to your happy family. guess that literary reference
Promotions and medals for everyone!
I don’t get the reference, although I feel I should. But thank you!